Giving Back

Artwork by Danica Zain

Artwork by Danica Zain

Artwork by Kaitlyn Thorn

Artwork by Kaitlyn Thorn

For this blog entry, we thought we'd delve into the expanding vision that Amanda Lee Glassware is becoming. Amanda has been slowly building her business for the past five years, but her passion for representing the arts and giving back to her community has been growing equally as fast.

With the expansion of the new space, Amanda Lee realized her desire to truly be a mentor for younger women. She has been employing two girls from a local high school to help with the business for the past three years, but after the passing of her own art mentor in the Fall of 2017, she has been slowly changing her business vision to incorporate younger women into the program permanently.  Her desire is for the Amanda Lee Glassware space to "be an arts center and a jumping off point for young female artists."

"I want to help them start their art careers and encourage them to pursue a career in the arts. It's not something I was pushed to do as a kid and I want them to know that it IS possible."

Amanda features the young artists’ artwork at her open houses, providing them an opportunity to sell it, and gives critical feedback sessions with them as they pursue degrees in the arts at local colleges.

For the month of October, Amanda Lee Glassware is also partnering up with Glimmer of Hope and donating 25% of the PINK STEEL CITY SKYLINE GLASSES towards the non profit organization. Glimmer of Hope is a fundraising non-profit in Pittsburgh, PA, that donates towards breast cancer research at Magee Women’s Hospital.